This Plus That Equals: Industrial Coffee Table

We found these HUGE casters at Second Use (where else?) and immediately thought “coffee table”. (Actually what I immediately thought was that the husband would kill me if I brought home another big metal piece of randomness – like this and this and this.)


8″ diameter industrial casters.



Planks from RE-Store, planed.



Old Gas Can from Habitat for Humanity.


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This Plus That Equals: an Industrial Wall Sconce

Instead of preparing for the holidays, I thought it would be more fun to make a light fixture. I found this old enameled sign at Second Use Building Materials a while back and never  quite knew what to do with it. Then last week, I was looking online and ran across a cool light bulb cage (for only $6), and all of a sudden a light went on in my head. (Ha!)


Vintage enameled sign, from an old stove (I think!).



Lamp supplies – cloth covered cord and protective cage are from 1,000 Bulbs. The cage arrived with a shiny finish. To remove that finish and darken the metal, I soaked it in vinegar. Our house smelled like pickles, but the great patina that resulted on the steel was worth it!



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This Plus That Equals: a Side Table

Ten years ago, we made the mistake of planting 3 Leyland Cypress trees (too) close to our house. We wanted to create a screen between our house and our neighbors. The trees turned from a cute hedge that provided dappled shade and privacy, to a 40 ft dark forest that shaded out our entire backyard. Usually we are tree huggers, but in this case we turned into tree cutter-downers.

After we spent $600 to have the trees cut down, I thought the least we could do was to commemorate them with a small side table (a $600 side table).


Leyland Cypress slab left over from our logging project.



An old metal (maybe welding?) stand, picked up at RE-Store.



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This Plus That Equals: a Lamp

When we found this old car jack at Second Use, we weren’t even sure what it was – it just looked COOL! We thought it would make a great lamp base, so when this old utility clamp light came along, it seemed like a perfect match. This project was very simple, with no wiring except for adding a new plug.


Utility Clamp Lamp, free giveaway.



Old Jack Stand from Second Use, $4.



Funky Vintage Adjustable Table Lamp.

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This Plus That Equals: a Side Table

This is the first post in a new category where we show little photo collections of some of our projects. The intent is less “tutorial” and more “look at things differently, you never know what can go together to make something new and one of a kind”. Enjoy and please let us know what you think! We love feedback.


Steam table, on its way to the scrap metal yard. Stripping it of its silver paint revealed iron legs and galvanized body/shelf. Removing the screwed-on top revealed a solid copper lining (like a silver lining only better).



Old Douglas Fir lumber from Second Use Building Material.



Old set of hinges, from a gate we removed in our backyard.



Finished side table with hinged plank top for access to storage.