Soaker Hose – Check!

I like to garden, but I don’t really like to water. This is a bit of a drawback for a gardener. It’s not that I don’t know this about myself, I’ve started this project of installing a watering system several times over the years – and I can prove it because I found 7 soaker hoses stashed in various places (not in the dirt), waiting to serve their intended purpose. I just didn’t know that I should have added to my materials list: “the happy helpers Heidi and Mary Jean”.

One and a half days. That’s how long it took to completely finish my long-delayed project (she said, banging her head on the desk). Here’s what I learned plus a few resources so you can tackle it yourself:

Great reasons for installing a soaker hose watering system:

  • An efficient way to water your garden so water isn’t lost in evaporation as it is with over-head watering. (Tip – water early AM or evening to prevent even more evaporation loss.)
  • I used a soaker system vs. a drip because I have so many plants close together.
  • No water on leaves – discouraging fungus/molds
  • Hoses are easily modified and repaired (love the idea of pointing a small hose break towards a plant – see video link below – I may even poke a few extra holes where I want more water)
  • Layout of hoses easily modified
  • Low-tech
  • I’m debating adding timers, but it’s working fine without them so far.

Tips & Tricks:

  • It’s very easy to repair a hose, plus saves $$ and reduces waste ( a win, win, win!)
  • Hot water and soap may help with fitting the splice into the hose ends (tho I did neither…)
  • If you have multiple things you’re installing or mending you may want to draw it out and make a list of the parts you will need. The options are legion and you might find a better solution at the store.
  • A knowledgeable salesperson is priceless
  • Remember the “male” and “female” designations – it’s easy to pick up the wrong connector.
  • The company of a smart friend might help you get this done – I needed it –
  • Save your receipts, you will probably make more than one trip plus a few returns/exchanges – just sayin’.

So here’s how it turned out, and it works!

The materials and process:

More Resources:

Mending a hose video: Danny Lipford

Layout and tips for soaker systems (and a cool site): Urban Land Army

Is it sunny yet, where you live? I think summer may have arrived in Seattle (knock on wood).

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3 thoughts on “Soaker Hose – Check!

  1. My buddy Alys just used a system in her brand new raised beds too. It makes so much more sense doesn’t it. Especially if you can add a timer. Your garden is sure grown up already!


  2. Great information and I appreciated the emphasis on choosing a system that works best and wastes least. I am personally modifying the plantings in my garden with the thought that plant choices are going to be more drought tolerant; who would have imagined that those would be a consideration for the Pacific Northwest. I am also considering installing systems that catch water from rain so that I can more effectively use it.


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